Your Dollars at Work


How do we decide where your money goes? We don’t — you do. CJP and volunteers work year-round to make sure your gift goes where it's needed most. Committees of volunteers meet regularly to discuss issues impacting our community and beyond, and reassess needs, research new initiatives, and evaluate the effectiveness of CJP programs.

This process informs where we invest funds — and enables us to inspire and mobilize the diverse Greater Boston Jewish community to engage in building communities of learning and action that strengthen Jewish life and improve the world.

We address our community's most urgent needs by:

  • Acting on our Jewish values in partnership with others to build a more just and peaceful world
  • Connecting young adults to social, advocacy, and volunteer opportunities as well as leadership development
  • Encouraging families and learners of all ages to explore and participate in Jewish life
  • Offering Jewish education choices that are accessible, engaging, and relevant to people of all backgrounds and abilities