What We Hear
Feedback from our community
Throughout The 360Five, our listening team compiled themes that we heard consistently. Next to each of the learnings below, we have listed resources for more information, organizations that are concerned with the issue, and ways to get involved. Please help us make the resources list more comprehensive by sharing your feedback.
In 2019-2020, CJP will build on the work of The 360Five with a new initiative — “Conversations for Action.” If last year was about listening, this year is about turning our learnings into action: together. Want to receive invitations to community gatherings near your home? Sign up now.
participated in The 360Five listening tour
of listening
of participants
had never before attended a CJP event
from participants
(Based on data through 2/19)
It’s not too late to share your thoughts. Let us know your answers to the Five Questions
For more information, please contact Becka at rebeccay@cjp.org