CJP President and CEO Rabbi Marc Baker had an ambitious goal in his first year of leadership: to hear from as many people in our diverse Jewish community as possible as we work to strengthen Jewish life in Greater Boston.

We created The 360Five listening tour to do just that.

In eight months, more than 1,700 people from nearly 70 towns and cities across Greater Boston participated in The 360Five listening sessions. Your feedback on the five key questions we asked is helping us take action to strengthen Jewish life and improve the world.


What We Hear

Feedback from our community

By the Numbers

Insightful data from our sessions

The Five Questions

The nexus of our listening tour

What We Heard

Throughout The 360Five, our listening team compiled themes that we heard consistently. Next to each of the learnings below, we have listed resources for more information, organizations that are concerned with the issue, and ways to get involved. Please help us make the resources list more comprehensive by sharing your feedback

What’s Next? 

In 2019-2020, CJP will build on the work of The 360Five with a new initiative — “Conversations for Action.” If last year was about listening, this year is about turning our learnings into action: together. Want to receive invitations to community gatherings near your home? Sign up now.

Common Themes, Different Perspectives

A Diverse and Welcoming Community

Our diversity is a strength and many in our community feel welcomed and included. And, there is more work to do to provide access to Jewish life for all. We heard concerns about caring for the elderly in our community, a rise in social isolation, and some people slipping through the cracks; we also heard encouragement to share and expand different opportunities for people to connect to Judaism, whether through or outside of traditional institutions.

Engaging the Next Generation

We heard general concerns about whether our next generation will stay connected to Jewish life, the Jewish community, and Israel. People have different diagnoses of the challenge and suggestions for how to address this, but there is widespread consensus that this is a top priority. Additionally, many expressed a need for access to resources, support, and tools to combat antisemitism. Others want training and skill-building to contribute to a productive conversation around Israel. 

Israel Engagement

We are a community passionate about Israel, and one that has many different points of view. There is broad agreement that we should provide meaningful connections to Israel and opportunities to learn more about Israel for members of the community at all ages. Many encouraged us to “stand with Israel” as a community; many also shared concerns that there is not yet space for diverse perspectives on Israel and encouraged us to facilitate more civil discourse and dialogue about Israel across these viewpoints.

The Jewish Communal Eco-System

There is important and innovative work happening across our community, but many institutions need better support and access to resources to sustain themselves and thrive. Moreover, both to avoid competition and to improve collaboration, many suggested that CJP help to provide better coordination and communication. Some suggested that CJP needs to do a better job communicating about its work and role in the community.

Jewish Life and Learning

Our Boston Jewish community loves to learn in myriad ways. The intellectual depth found throughout our community is a source of pride; people also appreciate that we have prioritized Jewish education. Many called for us to ensure that existing models are more accessible and compelling, and to identify places where new models are needed. We heard specific concerns about teens post-B’nei Mitzvah.

Social Justice

Many members of the community cited our social justice (tzedek) work as a source of pride. We heard broad support for social justice efforts beyond the Jewish community and encouragement to create more opportunities for people to live out their Jewish values by giving back to the broader world. We also heard concerns from people who feel that we do not focus enough on caring for and sustaining our particular Jewish community. Overall, there seems to be encouragement to keep these in balance, though people have differing perspectives on what this balance should look like.


The 360Five By the Numbers




participated in The 360Five listening tour


of listening

of participants

had never before attended a CJP event


from participants



Participants hailed from 68 different cities and towns across Greater Boston

(Based on data through 2/19)


The Five Questions

  1. Considering Jewish life in Greater Boston, what is our Jewish community doing well?
  2. When you think about a vibrant Jewish community, what do you imagine it to look like?
  3. What do you think gets in the way or could get in the way of us creating a more vibrant Jewish community in the future?
  4. In what ways, if any, do you feel connected to Judaism, Jewish practice, Jewish institutions, and the Jewish community?
  5. When you think about the future of the Jewish community, what gives you hope? What concerns you?