
26 2022

Active Threat Response Training

6:00PM - 8:30PM  

Temple Israel 477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA

Countering Active Threat Training (CATT) offers a comprehensive training program to counter an active threat event developed specifically for faith-based institutions and Houses of Worship.


  • Differentiate between security and safety
  • Develop a better understanding of Active Threat incidents
  • Identify and explain modes of action during an Active Threat incident, such as Run, Hide, Fight
  • Learn how to prepare for an Active Threat event
  • Know how to respond to law enforcement's arrival
  • Recognize the importance of additional training such as "Stop the Bleed"
  • Be able to commit to action during an Active Threat event.

Session includes PowerPoint presentation, videos, and three 15 minute drills that reinforce central concepts.

We strongly recommend that participants attend the Key Security Concepts Training prior to attending Active Threat ResponseTraining.

CJP strongly encourages attendees to follow all state, local, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 safety guidelines. Attendees are solely responsible for checking and adhering to specific requirements as set forth by host organizations and venues.