
5 2019

RSIP Annual Fall Dinner and Workshop- Workshop Descriptions


Temple Emanuel 385 Ward Street
Newton, MA

Contact Carissa Woolf

Strategies for Synagogue Inclusion - led by Rebecca Redner and Mia Hyman of Gateways: Access to Jewish Education
Intended for lay leaders, this presentation offers dozens of strategies to make your syangogue environment more inclusive. Facilitators offer ideas for activities and projects to help acclimate and engage children and adults with disabilities and learning differences. 

Autism 101: What Congregations Can Do to Be More Inclusive - led by Sandy Gold of Gateways: Access to Jewish Education
What does it mean to have an autism spectrum diagnosis? What can synagogues do to build awareness of autism to make our communities more welcoming of all? 

Mental Health, Happiness, and Strategies for Resilience - led by Daniel Jackson, Professor of Computer Science at MIT, photographer and author of Portraits of Resilience
After MIT experienced numerous student and faculty suicides, Daniel Jackson began a project to photograph and interview members of the community, to learn about the challenges they were facing and their strategies for dealing wtih them. In this talk, he'll share some of the insights that he received from these remarkable people. He will apply insights he learned to how we can make our synagogues more welcoming. 

Youth on the Margins - led by Idit Klein, President and CEO of Keshet; Rabbi Suzie Jacobson of Temple Israel; and Paul Hyry-Derminth, Ed.D., Director of the Brookline Center for Community Mental Health's Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition (BRYT) program
If we want our synagogues and communities to be truly inclusive, we need to know how to support all young people. How do we identify youths who are struggling, and what do we do to help? This workshop includes perspectives on gender, sexuality, and mental health. Participants will have a chance to hear about strategies and approaches they may want to adapt/adopt in their own synagogues and communities.