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Winter 2019-2020 Cycle

Sessions begin on December 4
Locations may include downtown Boston, Brookline, Cambridge/Somerville, and Allston/Brighton

Discover all of the awesome. Join LEADS, a comfortable, social, nine-session introduction to CJP and all the amazing things the Greater Boston Jewish community has to offer. Here's what past participants had to say:

So, what are you waiting for? Join other young adults, engage in small group discussions at a volunteer’s home, and cap off some sessions by meeting up with other LEADS groups!

Discussion topics include:

  • Jewish culture and identity
  • Connections to Israel and Haifa
  • Getting involved as a young adult in Boston
  • Tikkun olam (repairing the world)
  • “Ask a Rabbi” session

You'll also participate in three potluck Shabbat dinners with your group!

COST: $36 per person
Please note: $18 will support CJP’s Annual Campaign. The remaining $18 event fee reflects the cost of goods and services provided and is not tax deductible.

Winter 2019-2020 LEADS Schedule:

All sessions begin at 7:00 p.m.

December 2019:

Wednesday, 12/4: LEADS #1 (Welcome & Introductions)  
Friday, 12/13: LEADS #2 (Shabbat)
Thursday, 12/19: LEADS #3 (Ask a Rabbi/Meet the Shinshinim)

January 2020:

Friday, 1/3: LEADS #4 (Shabbat)
Monday, 1/13: LEADS #5 (Session with CJP’s President & CEO, Rabbi Marc Baker)
Thursday, 1/23: LEADS #6 (Ask a Rabbi/Meet the Shinshinim)
Friday, 1/31: LEADS #7 (Shabbat)

February 2020:

Thursday, 2/6: LEADS #8 (Community Partnerships/Getting Involved as a Young Adult)
Friday, 2/21: LEADS #9 (Shabbat)

*Dates are subject to change

Register Now

For any questions, please contact Nicolette at NicoletteK@cjp.org@cjp.org or 617-457-8846.