Guest Teaching Grant

Purpose of grant

Our feeder schools are the programs that seed our day schools. Pre-K programs are feeders for kindergarten and middle school programs are feeders for high school.  
One of the best ways to market your day school is by showcasing an element of what your school does best at a feeder school. This also creates value for the feeder program. A method of doing this is having guest teachers from your school teach at the feeder school, covering topics that are either beyond the usual scope of the feeder program curriculum or that are taught in a unique way.  
For instance, if a day school has a dynamic STEM teacher, that teacher could teach programs related to their specialty at a feeder school. Or a day school could showcase a snapshot, perhaps in a multi-part teaching series of their unique Hebrew program. 

The opportunity for the day school is to allow the uniqueness of their program to shine through in the curriculum delivered. The opportunity for the feeder schools is to find unique content and create broader awareness for our community’s day schools.   


  • Applicants must be teachers at a Jewish day school within CJP’s catchment area



  • Day school administrator (likely head of admissions) solicits ideas from staff about teaching topics or proposes topics themselves;
  • Day school administrator contacts the feeder school with the grant description above and their proposed teaching concept;
  • Feeder school agrees to appropriate program(s);
  • Day school teacher applies for grant on behalf of day school/feeder school partnership;
  • Teacher completes program(s) at feeder school;
  • Day school administrator works with teacher and feeder school administrator to communicate with parents about the program (before or after, depending on what is appropriate).


Grant amount

Each teacher may submit one application for 1–3 events per day school/feeder school combination.
Jewish day school teacher compensation: 

  • $300 per class taught with students only 
  • $400 per class taught with students and parents 
  • Optional: up to $100 per class for supplies 


Feeder school compensation: 

  • $300 per class taught with students only 
  • $400 per class taught with students and parents 


This grant has a cap of $1,800 per day school/feeder school pair, with a maximum of two feeder schools per day school. For example, if a day school is able to collaborate with a feeder school to teach a class with students and parents together, the day school teacher will receive a $400 grant with an optional $100 for supplies, and the feeder school will receive a $400 grant ($900 total). This pair could do up to two events like this ($1,800 total). The day school could then mimic this program with one other feeder school. 
There is a $2,000 max benefit per day school, including supplies, if they do two events with two feeder schools and an $800 max benefit per feeder school. 

Grant requirements

Day school teacher responsibilities include: 

  • Developing curriculum 
  • Working with the administrator to market the program to feeder schools 
  • Choosing a date, in conjunction with the school administrator 
  • Teaching the class 
  • Helping develop marketing ideas for feeder school parents 
  • Completing the post-grant evaluation 


What does success look like?

These grants are designed to create value for our feeder schools and attract prospective families to our day schools, while building the relationship between these schools.


  • Applications open: Monday, August 5, 2024
  • Applications close: Friday, April 4, 2025
  • Collaboration completed by: Monday, June 2, 2025




Please contact Anna Leybzon with any questions.