We are a community of proud and engaged global Jewish citizens dedicated to Israel and the Jewish people. Our commitment stems from both a shared past and shared vision for secure and thriving communities in Israel and all around the world. We find strength in our diversity and in the inspiring individuals with whom we partner to repair and connect our world. We advance our vision by educating, engaging, and empowering ourselves and the communities we touch.
Following a strategic planning process conducted in 2019-2020, IGJ identified five areas of focus for our work, and set up five committees to address them:
Our Shared Society work promotes a more equitable Israeli society based on mutual respect and understanding, by investing in high impact partnerships that strengthen vulnerable populations in Haifa.
Our Peoplehood agenda strengthens education and Jewish identity, develops shared language and resources across our communities, and builds bridges across divides between Israel and American Jewry.
The goal of Leadership Development is to create meaningful impact by identifying and investing in young adult leaders who are making our Boston and Haifa communities more connected, equitable, and resilient.
Global Caring works collaboratively with our partner city of Dnipro and other communities around the world, empowering them to enhance quality of life and helping to build a meaningful and vibrant Jewish future.
And through Engaging with Israel, we educate and connect the Greater Boston community to Israel and foster a greater sense of global responsibility.
Our Fighting Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism initiative works with partners, community members, and allies to deepen local prevention and response efforts to antisemitism and empower communities to take action.
We invite you to explore our work and learn more about our historic partnerships with Haifa and Dnipro. Join us in creating a community of empowered global Jewish citizens by volunteering with us.