Interest-Free Loan Program

Helping individuals and families in the Greater Boston community with life’s ups, downs,
and everything in between.


In collaboration with the Hebrew Free Loan Programs at Jewish Family & Children’s Service and Jewish Family Service of Metrowest, the CJP Interest-Free Loan Program is here for the times you need help with bar and bat mitzvahs and other other lifecycle events, home or auto repairs, COVID-related income disruptions, or managing other challenging expenses.

Examples of qualifying expenses include:

  • Lifecycle ceremonies
    (i.e. bar and bat mitzvahs, weddings, or funerals)
  • New baby, fertility, and adoption
  • COVID-19 recovery
  • Car purchase or repairs
  • Small debt consolidation
  • Healthcare not covered by insurance
  • Summer camp or Israel experiences
  • Home repairs
  • Small business costs
  • Care of older adults or people with disabilities

Loans are available from $1,000–$10,000 to households of moderate income. Residency in the Greater Boston community, and a complete loan application are required.

During this time, people who are temporarily unable to work and/or are receiving unemployment benefits are invited to explore whether the interest-free loan will meet their needs.

For eligibility and application information:

In Greater Boston (excluding Metrowest
but including North Shore and South Area)

Jewish Family & Children’s Service

In the Metrowest Area
Jewish Family Service of Metrowest
508-875-3100 ext. 170