Our Peoplehood agenda inspires joy and pride in our rich and diverse Jewish identity and builds connections among Jewish people worldwide through shared experiences, education, and joint initiatives that foster belonging, meaning, and shared responsibility.
To learn more about our Peoplehood work, email Ariel or Judith.
The School to School program is focused on connecting elementary, middle, and high school students, and educators and parents from Boston and Haifa through partnerships between public, private, and Hebrew schools in Greater Boston and Haifa. Through student exchange programs, educational curricula, video conferencing and social media, students and their families explore the similarities and differences between Jewish life and identity in Israel and North America. This work aims to build lasting relationships that create living bridges between our two communities.
Seeing a unique opportunity to engage the Russian speaking population in our partner city, we created a partnership that connects members of the Russian speaking Jewish community in Boston to Russian speakers in Haifa. The program builds connections between these two communities through high school student exchanges, bar and bat mitzvah family programming, and video conferences. The partnership also builds lasting friendships while encouraging participants to examine their connection to local community and our shared Jewish heritage.
Bi-monthly meetings between the Jewish community in Boston and members of the Haifa-Boston partnership in Haifa featuring speakers from various fields. These gatherings provide a platform for members to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from experts in diverse areas of interest.
Mentors from Boston volunteer to support high school students in Haifa by improving their English language skills and preparing them for their matriculation exam.
Yahel is a 9-month flagship program ignites changemakers and connects them to Israel through the lens of social change. Yahel’s immersive program allows fellows to dig deep into local culture, experience diverse Israeli communities, and serve alongside passionate professionals and activists.