Amit Botzer

Amit has been leading research into incoming grant requests to the Israel Emergency Fund (IEF). This critical function has allowed CJP to review and assess many potential grantees and ensure the dollars raised for the IEF are directed in the most impactful ways, helping victims of the war in Israel.

Amit is a 2nd-year graduate student at the Harvard Business School and from Israel, and at the start of the war, he raised his hand to help. Since November, Amit has been leading a team with two other graduate students to develop assessment tools, review grant proposals, and investigate potential grant opportunities for the fund. Every assessment undertaken by Amit requires volunteer time for background research, a phone call reviewing over 20+ variables with requesting organizations, and providing CJP with a grant score based on project feasibility, impact, and urgency. These tools have allowed CJP and the volunteer task force reviewing and approving grants to review proposals in a systematic way, and as grants are approved, his work then sets a foundation for further relationships between new grantees and CJP. Amit has invested a tremendous amount of time in this work and has allowed CJP to make grants from the IEF in a diligent and strategic way.