David Adler, Leslie Pucker, and Brenda Tobin

Partnering with Dara Klein, CJP’s Director of Volunteer Mobilization, David, Leslie, and Brenda have led the launch of CJP’s new Hineni Volunteer Network. Working closely with Dara, they have been important contributors in thinking through this new program, including how we can achieve the greatest impact and how our processes can be set up and scaled to grow with the program. They also ran focus groups and helped determine important pivots to adapt the program as we learned more about our partners’ needs and the needs of our volunteers.

The Co-chairs have incredible dedication to Hineni and CJP: They meet 1-2 times per month to discuss Hineni volunteers and potential matches, and they each interview volunteers to learn more about their interests and think creatively about how to connect them to CJP and our partners. In building this network, and in planning and facilitating events to strengthen relationships between volunteers and organizations, they're strengthening our Jewish community.

As a result of their hard work, the Hineni Volunteer Network currently has more than 40 members, including many who are new to CJP. They each bring a unique perspective and build on one another’s connections and skills. Overall, the Co-chairs have been champions of a new program, innovative collaborators as we chart new territory, and wonderful partners. We’re grateful daily for their leadership.