Pam Friedman is a CJP advocate and leader within the young adult Jewish community in Boston. She currently chairs CJP’s Chai Society, which brings young adult philanthropists together. Earlier this year, Pam was recognized at the annual Chai in the Hub event for her contribution to the community. Over the past several years she has also chaired CJP’s Outreach & Engagement Committee and LEADS Program, which are both focused on welcoming new community members. Pam is also a past LEADS Leader and participant, Birthright staffer, Dewey Stone Kadimah Leadership Program participant, and israel360 Israel in Depth participant. Beyond CJP, Pam has participated in Boston programs and courses with The Chai Center, Hebrew College’s Me’ah Select and Eser, AIPAC, CAMERA, and Fuel for Truth. Pam lives in Boston with her husband, Clarence, and soon-to-be Baby Friedman.