CJP Donor Advised Funds

A Donor Advised Fund is a charitable gift account that allows you to recommend grants to your favorite charities, while CJP handles all the paperwork. Streamline your charitable giving with a CJP Donor Advised Fund.

Create a CJP DAF  Online DAF Access 

Contribute to a DAF

A Donor Advised Fund with CJP offers distinct advantages:

  • Give Jewishly to all of the causes that matter most to you — from human services, health care, civil right, the environment, and education to synagogues, day schools, and Israeli charities, and much more.
  • Convenience, including secure online account access.
  • Personalized customer service from CJP’s experienced, friendly staff.
  • Low minimums. Our minimum initial contribution of $2,500 is significantly lower than most other Donor Advised Funds.
  • Low fees and sound investment options.
  • An ideal vehicle for family philanthropy.

As of June 30, 2024, CJP DAFs have over $1.9 billion in assets, serving hundreds of philanthropists of all ages and interest.

For more information contact Charlie Glassenberg at charlesg@cjp.org or 617-457-8540.

Fill out my online form.


Charlie Glassenberg at charlesg@cjp.org or 617-457-8540.