Women's Philanthropy

In the Community — June 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, CJP established an emergency scholarship fund in the hope that no family has to withdraw their child from Jewish day school based solely on a change in their economic circumstances. Thanks to the support of donors, the CJP Day School COVID-19 Emergency S…

Wonder Women — All of you!

This space is typically dedicated to highlighting individuals who are deeply committed to CJP and the Jewish community. This month, we are celebrating all of you as our Wonder Women.

So much of Women’s Philanthropy has traditionally centered around being together in person — at events, …

In the Community — January 2020


BRCA is a gene found in all humans that helps cells grow and repairs errors in the DNA. Those with a BRCA mutation are at an increased risk of breast, ovarian, prostate, and other cancers — and people of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry are 10 times more likely to carry a BRCA mutation as the gen…

Wonder Women — Rachelle Dubow and Diana Lloyd


Rachelle Dubow

Growing up in Marblehead, Rachelle Dubow was “vaguely aware” of CJP but more focused on the local Jewish Federation of the North Shore. After the organizations merged in 2013, she “stood up and took notice” — and decided to get involved in CJP, personally and profes…

Wonder Woman — Elana Markovitz

CJP’s Boston-Haifa Connection (BHC) is turning 30 — and we’re so proud that our community has spent the past three decades connecting with the people in our sister city of Haifa. Through programs and partnerships, the BHC has been fostering Jewish identity, empowering at-risk families…