Name: Judith Rosenbaum
Occupation: Executive Director
Organization/Employer: Jewish Women's Archive
Describe your career in one sentence.
Harnessing the power of Jewish history, women and their stories to change the world.
What was your favorite way to give back this year?
Cultivating the leadership of young women, not to mention raising my own kids to be mensches in the world!
What other organizations, boards, charities, etc. are you a part of?
- Jewish Community Day School
- Keshet (volunteer and former board member)
- Board member of the Council of American Jewish Museums (CAJM)
- Faculty member for the Bronfman Youth Fellowships in Israel
- Temple Beth Zion in Brookline
Just a few of my fun facts are…
- I have nine-year-old twins (a girl and a boy).
- I've lived in Israel at several points in my life—including in seventh grade, and after college where I researched women’s urban communes during pre-state Palestine as part of my Fulbright Fellowship.
- I trace my career as a historian to my childhood obsession with Laura Ingalls Wilder.
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