From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Talmudic Visions of Justice and Responsibility
For full schedule, please visit cjp.org/genesis
All sessions held Wednesdays, 12:00 to 1:15 p.m.
CJP, 126 High Street, 9th Floor, Boston
Join us over lunch as we study the Mishnah, the foundational text of the Talmud. Focusing onSeder Nezikin, the mishnaic order of Torts and Damages, we will explore Talmudic visions of building a more just and humane world. The Mishnah presents us with a curriculum to discuss how to best structure the rules of ordinary daily engagement, negotiate conflicting claims and interests, and respond to extraordinary trespasses, whether civil or criminal.
Our lunchtime conversations will be infused with lively Talmud debates as we contemplate our own spiritual and societal aspirations. Together, we seek to better understand how to appreciate and actualize the good in society.
Photocopies of the texts we study will be provided. Beverages are available.
Click here to read about the Genesis Forum faculty.
This event is free and open to the public, and you are welcome to attend any or all sessions. Pre-registration is required here. (You only need to register once and it covers all sessions.)
For more information or special accommodations, please contact adultlearning@cjp.org or call 617-457-8789.
In case of inclement weather, please call 617-457-8888 or visit cjp.org for event updates.
CJP welcomes the participation of interfaith couples and families, and people of all abilities, backgrounds and sexual orientations.Avodah Zarah