CJP News & Announcements

Jewish Life on Campus: What You Should Know about Hillel and IACT

Whether you’re new to college or a returning student, now’s the time to find ways to get involved on campus. We sat down with Shoshana Gibber, an IACT coordinator at MIT and Wellesley College, to find out how students can become more involved in Jewish life. Trust us—it’s an…

Standing with Israel as a Community

Since the beginning of the conflict with Hamas this summer, CJP and our Greater Boston community have actively supported Israel through the crisis.  Our solidarity, activism and generosity have made an important impact, both in Israel and here at home. Here’s a quick look at how our comm…

A Q&A with Our 2015 Annual Campaign Chairs

We sat down with Aron Ain and Dena Boronkay Rashes to talk about their roles as Co-chairs of CJP’s 2015 Annual Campaign, and what community and philanthropy mean to them.

You both have impressive track records of community involvement. Why do you do this work?

Dena: I am committed to thi…

CJP Staff Interview: Solidarity and Camaraderie During the Israel Crisis

Cheryl Aronson, CJP's Vice President of Israel and Overseas talks about her experience leading a Follow Me to Israel Institute group during the Israel crisis.