The challenge presented by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) is unprecedented and therefore requires our community to come together in equally unprecedented ways. The needs in our community are vast — and in many cases, immediate — particularly for vulnerable people who may already be socially isolated, in fragile health, or in financial crisis.
In response, we have launched the CJP Coronavirus Emergency Fund. 100% of the money raised will support community members facing hardship as a result of this pandemic.
Coming together as a community to help our most vulnerable is a core Jewish value. Chemlah (compassion) and tzedakah (charity) are central to our faith, and at the core of Greater Boston’s Jewish community. We and our partners are working to fill the gaps for the many in our community who have been, and will be, most severely impacted by this crisis.
Here are some of the requests for support that we have already received:
We will face more requests as needs evolve during this period of social distancing.
To find ways CJP and Jewish organizations are keeping people across the community connected and engaged through these difficult times, visit the new coronavirus resource page on The page will also have detailed information about grants that CJP has given to community organizations through the CJP Coronavirus Emergency Fund.