CJP Superstars

Amanda Clayman and Ariella Levy

Amanda Clayman and Ariella Levy, co-chairs of the North Shore Planning Committee, are thoughtful, passionate leaders committed to building and sustaining a vibrant North Shore Jewish community. They develop innovative ideas and work tirelessly to foster collaboration and implement posi…

Mike Samuels

Mike Samuels exemplifies exactly what a CJP Superstar looks like. He has been a leader at CJP for many years and has served in various roles such as the Young Leadership Board, the Real Estate Team Chair, and many more. Most recently, Mike has chaired the Real Estate Group’s Community Ser…

Kimberly S. Creem and Edward D. Kutchin

Kim and Ed, chairs of this year’s Lawyers & Accountants Annual Reception, are the kind of visionary leaders who don’t settle for the status quo. This year, Kim and Ed led the charge to create a new format and structure for the L&A dinner that would resonate better with attendees. Their w…

Hallie Bregman

Hallie is a dedicated and thoughtful volunteer, who has given countless hours to our Young Adult community. A Kadimah alumna and former LEADS leader, Hallie is now a rock star co-chair of the LEADS program, where she’s played an integral role in revamping the program’s curriculum. She is…

Dena Kowaloff

Dena Kowaloff always carves out time in her ambitious work schedule to share her incredible expertise with CJP. This year, in addition to her continuing and growing role with the Boston-Haifa Connection, Dena is embarking on a new PresenTense leadership role. Serving as a “coach of the co…