Thank You

Dena Kowaloff – Young Leadership Award

Dena has an eye for innovation. A passionate leader on the Boston-Haifa and PresenTense scenes, Dena is always looking for ways to enhance connections and to grow CJP programing. She has a passion for connecting young leaders in Boston and Israel, and has been an advocate for expanding Prese…

Samantha C. Katzen – Circle of Excellence – Commitment Award

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Samantha is CJP’s Director of Development Applications and Research (DAR), a role in which she guides CJP to holistically understand and capture relationships with donors, volunteers and partners from throughout our community. This year, she managed the conversion, migration and launch of …

Jerry Somers – Circle of Excellence – Leadership Award

Jerry is a longtime leader within CJP and JFNS. A former national chair of the Union for Reform Judaism and President of Temple Emanu-El Marblehead, Jerry is well respected for his advice to many of the area’s leading Jewish institutions. A passionate supporter of Jewish education, Jerry h…

Cynthia R. Janower – Circle of Excellence – Growth Award

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Cindy is a highly strategic volunteer with a gift for getting results and encouraging engagement among her peers.She has been instrumental in CJP’s work with Jewish day schools, including the Discover Day School program to address the challenge of middle-tier affordability. An Acharai grad…

Jonathan Lavine

Photo: Elliot Haney


Jonathan Lavine is Co-Managing Partner at Bain Capital and Chief Investment Officer of Bain Capital Credit. For decades, Jonathan and his wife Jeannie have provided consistent support to Combined Jewish Philanthropies, and in recent years increased focus on their i…