A Message from Marc

Marc's Message

Marc Baker headshot
CJP's President and CEO, Rabbi Marc Baker, writes and teaches about leadership, community, and civic life, bringing the voice of Jewish tradition to contemporary issues.


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Party with Purpose

Shalom Chaverim,

Last Saturday night, at CJP’s annual Chai in the Hub event, we celebrated 12 young professional and volunteer leaders — a group that includes rabbis, educators, doctors, entrepreneurs, and more — who are making a difference in our community. More than 450 young adults…

Remember: Never Forget

Shalom Chaverim, 

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
-George Santayana

“More and more we seem to be having trouble connecting our historical knowledge with our moral choices today. I can imagine a society that understands history very well but does not …

The Threefold Chord

Shalom Chaverim,

Last week more than 100 people representing Jewish organizations from across Greater Boston gathered in the beautiful social hall of Congregation Kehillath Israel in Brookline for the second LEAP (Leveraging Expertise to Advance Partners) session. LEAP was developed in dire…

Children of the Same Parent

Shalom Chaverim,

As I’m growing older, I’m finding that the joy and lightheartedness of New Year’s Eve is giving way to a more somber and reflective sense of my own and the world’s vulnerability.

I tend to be a person who sees the good and light in the world. Articles such as Nicho…

We Are One People

Shalom Chaverim,

Last night, I was surrounded by more than 4,000 people at the opening plenary of the national conference of the Israeli American Council (IAC). A relatively new organization, IAC is a phenomenon in the landscape and history of American Jewish life and the Jewish people. IAC…