A Message from Marc

Marc's Message

Marc Baker headshot
CJP's President and CEO, Rabbi Marc Baker, writes and teaches about leadership, community, and civic life, bringing the voice of Jewish tradition to contemporary issues.


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You Saw Me

Shalom Chaverim,
Over the past couple of months my listening tour, The 360Five, has picked up steam, including three geographically-based community meetings (Cambridge, Canton, and Brookline) and many additional, smaller meetings in different settings. In the coming months, I look forwa…

Leading from the Heart

Shalom Chaverim (hello friends),

I’ve been thinking a lot about leadership this week.

The week began for me at the Jewish Federations of North America office in New York City for an orientation for new federation CEOs from around the country. Together with 10 of my new colleagues, we rec…

Rebuilding Our Burning World

Shalom Chaverim (hello friends),

Sometimes it feels like the world is more broken with each passing day. These last few weeks have felt that way for many of us, as we’ve seen the horrific anti-Semitic attack in Pittsburgh, the mass shooting in California, the devastating wildfires in Cali…

Wear Your Yarmulke Tighter

Shalom Chaverim (hello friends),

What a week.

I returned from an incredible eight days in Israel last week just in time to spend Shabbat with my family. Little did I or any of us expect that Shabbat — our day of community, connection, and peace — would be shattered by the horrific shoo…

Our First 'Activist' — Reflections from Israel

Shalom Chaverim (hello friends),

I am writing from Israel on my first CJP mission in my new role as President and CEO. Today, our leadership delegation of volunteers and staff will join with communities from around North America for a festive pre-Shabbat celebration in the Western Wall plaz…