CJP Superstars

Gayle Rubin

Gayle is the consummate volunteer — always willing to pitch in regardless of the task. From her initial experiences during the early years of North Shore Teen Initiative (NSTI) to its transition into Jewish Teen Initiative (JTI), where she served as board Chair, and subsequently within CJP…

Amit Botzer

Amit has been leading research into incoming grant requests to the Israel Emergency Fund (IEF). This critical function has allowed CJP to review and assess many potential grantees and ensure the dollars raised for the IEF are directed in the most impactful ways, helping victims of the war in…

Andria Weil

A member of the CJP Investment Committee since 2022, Andria played a leading role in creating CJP's first-ever Sustainable Fund, which offers an investment option for our Donor Advised Fund (DAF) program that focuses both on strong returns and addressing climate change.

Andria advocated fo…

Erin O’Connor

Erin O'Connor has dedicated over five years with the Boston-Haifa Connection's Leadership Development Committee. Erin has consistently demonstrated initiative and leadership, particularly as chair of the Women in Leadership subcommittee, where she has helped organize and execute numerous Mif…

Molly Shuman, Zach Goldberger, and Danielle Greenberg (as a group)

Zach, Molly, and Danielle, served as CJP's three Chai Society Committee co-chairs last year, and Zach and Molly have continued their leadership into their second year. All three of them have proven themselves to be the true embodiment of CJP Superstars as shining examples of the next generat…