CJP Superstars

David Adler, Leslie Pucker, and Brenda Tobin

Partnering with Dara Klein, CJP’s Director of Volunteer Mobilization, David, Leslie, and Brenda have led the launch of CJP’s new Hineni Volunteer Network. Working closely with Dara, they have been important contributors in thinking through this new program, including how we can achieve …

Iris Schor

Iris is the former Co-chair of the Israel and Global Jewry Peoplehood Committee in Boston. She is a dedicated, caring, and warm leader who spent countless hours thinking about how to better achieve our goals and serve the thousands of students, educators, and families we impact every year th…

Amnon Ribak

Amnon is the Co-chair of the IGJ Peoplehood Committee on the Haifa side. He joined the Haifa-Boston Connection many years ago as a volunteer on the Jewish Identity Committee, and over the years moved to the Living Bridges Committee, where he eventually became the Chair.

Amnon is a newly app…

Danna Greenberg

Danna served on CJP’s Future of Work Task Force and brought her unique perspective as a scholar of the intersection between work and life — especially as it pertains to women — to bear on the planning of how we might envision work at CJP post-pandemic.

Danna was not only a key member …

Betsy Hecker


Betsy is a dedicated and passionate volunteer with a deep commitment to the Dnipro Kehillah Project and CJP’s history of work in Dnipro, Ukraine. Over the years, Betsy has traveled to Dnipro many times and has developed personal relationships within the Dnipro community.

In the fall of 20…