CJP Superstars

David Adler

After moving from Cleveland (where he previously served as the Campaign Chair at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland) to Boston just over a year ago, David Adler quickly jumped into working with CJP. He serves on the Campaign Cabinet, participated in a focus group to plan a virtual event seri…

Dr. Jonathan Sarna

As Chair of the CJP Jewish Journalism Task Force, Dr. Jonathan Sarna, Professor of American Jewish history at Brandeis, brought his expertise, academic approach, and creativity to lead an incredibly engaged and thoughtful group of volunteers. Jonathan asked challenging questions and engaged …

Abby Fierman


Abby has been a loyal, generous supporter and ambassador of CJP for several years. Beginning with the Downtown Initiative and Families with Young Children, Abby and her family have been true next-gen leaders for almost 10 years. 

She is a passionate volunteer and encourages friends and fam…

Phyllis Brick

Phyllis Brick, a former Campaign Chair for Women’s Philanthropy, has been one of CJP’s most reliable campaigners for more than 40 years. The matriarch of a very active family, Phyllis shares her enthusiasm for CJP and our Jewish community with both family and friends. 

Each year, Phyll…

Patti McWeeney

Patti is an active and valued member of the North Area Community Council where, as a liaison, she has connected professionals and lay leaders to CJP. 

She prioritizes expanding CJP’s geographical reach, serving as a representative at community events such as a menorah lighting in Boxford…